Musical Instrument Museum Phoenix, AZ

If you happen to find yourself in Phoenix Arizona (as I did last month), here’s a place you should definitely visit: it is the Musical Instrument Museum. Established in 2010 on the north side of the city, it is a treat for music lovers pf all kinds, especially...

How Much Do You Charge a Public Venue?

Then we also got some responses more applicable to a public venue: From Rod Deacy: Kinda depends what you want to do, doesn’t it? If you want to sing cover songs and play bars, then you can make a lot more than singing your own songs in coffee houses. People who...

Connecting the Past to the Future

Living is like carving You make it what you see As wood is shaped by steel So life is shaped by dreams From “East on Eden’s Road” by Rick Hill When I was in fifth grade a student from the nearby college would come a couple of times during the year and sing at an...

How to Write a Press Release

Press releases are not as easy to write as folks think. There is an art and a science to it. Hannah Fleishman reveals some of both in her blog. Click here to go to her blog post.

Gear of the Month by Todd Walker

March 2018 The G7th Ultralight Capo that I reported on in last month’s newsletter, as I mentioned, is inexpensive and very lightweight. What I did not realize is that it can affect your instrument’s sound quality quite differently than other capos. Many of the capos...