Interesting Links
Smithsonian Folkways supports efolkMusic, allowing us to offer exceptional FREE MP3 downloads from their catalog. We thank them and hope you support their good work!
You must become a member of Smithsonian Folkways, but this is a great resource for finding some wonderful folk music from our past!
The Songwriters’ Association of Washington (SAW) is a non-profit organization established in 1979 to benefit aspiring and professional songwriters.
* Strengthen the craft of Songwriting
* Foster the talents of our members
* Provide an active forum for songwriters and their work
* Celebrate the power of music
Baltimore Songwriters Association – There are so many ways to share your music when you join BSA. We offer workshops, open mic nights, jam sessions and even put out a yearly compilation CD. If you want to be heard, BSA is the answer! The key element to our strength is our membership. We are made of people who come together to advance the craft of songwriting. Style doesn’t matter as long as it’s a well-crafted song. We meet twice a month, on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings at 7:30 PM at the Creative Alliance at 3134 Eastern Avenue. If you’re old enough to remember the Patterson Theater, that’s where we meet.