F.A.M.E. Benefits for Members Who Are Not Musicians
If a musician plays notes on a guitar and nobody hears it, is it music? It’s practice, certainly, which is important, but for me, “live music” implies a listener. The process of making music is all about the emotional connection between the performer and the individual audience member. As a person who appreciates music, the F.A.M.E. Member who is not himself a musician knows that he is an integral part of the process. He uses his experience and preferences to critique material, whether verbally or not, and provides feedback and encouragement in the form of enthusiasm. His enjoyment is a major goal of the exercise.
On a more practical level, F.A.M.E. membership entitles the member to discounts for F.A.M.E. events, such as workshops or concerts. A person volunteering at a function often will receive free admission to the activity, as well as personalized attention from the activity leader.
All members receive the monthly newsletter, which includes advance notice of upcoming events and reports on past events, along with informative articles on a variety of acoustic music-related topics. By keeping up with current F.A.M.E. activities and participating in meetings, surveys and events, the member takes part in helping to shape and carry out the efforts of the organization. The level of involvement is strictly a matter of choice and may change to accommodate other commitments. Opportunities for involvement abound for those wishing to further the F.A.M.E. goals.
Ultimately, membership provides a venue to interact with people with similar interests for a good purpose. It may even be (gasp) a stepping stone to becoming a musician for those members that are “closet” or “shower” musicians now! If you feel that acoustic music enhances the quality of life in our community and want to see it grow and flourish in Frederick, F.A.M.E. has a place for you and a way to put that conviction into action.
Fran Tucker
Events Coordinator
June 2012